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Open-Air Archaeological Museum in Modrá

Open-Air Archaeological Museum in Modrá

5/19/15, 10:09 AM - 5/19/15

This attractive open-air archaeological museum – a fortified Great Moravian settlement in the midst of the Morava river basin, allowing a peek into the lives of ancienit Slavs – is located on the site of the original stronghold from the Great Moravia era near Uherské Hradiště, Staré Město and Velehrad. The open-air museum or “Archeoskanzen” in Modrá has its own rhythm of daily life; the program includes manufacture of ceramics, trial smelting of metals, as well as more lively events such as feasts or markets, all taking place alongside continuous archaeological research. You can try out ancient crafts, taste the foods they ate, learn about originál crops, trees, shrubs and domestic animals that used to belong to the homesteads of the original stronghold settlers. All the buildings in the open-air museum from fortifications to simple log houses and earth-houses to wells and farm buildings were erected on the foundations of original findings in the locality. You may also know the archaeological open-air museum in Modrá from the historici movie and four-part series Cyril and Methodius – the Apostles of the Slavs, which was shot right here in 2013.